I was reading this piece earlier about the currently running Paris Fashion Week, and how most of the models walking the runway and in general right now, are white. It's a pretty well written examination of one aspect of the modeling industry many people are not paying attention to right now. The focus these days is on weight and the image some of these models project.
While the article makes several good points about the dearth of ethnic minorities on top fashion runways, one of the most salient points was this:
The fashion industry, for all its airs of sophistication, has very
insular ideas of beauty. It's supposed to be a global industry but this
is not being reflected on the runway.
It goes beyond ethnic origin, race, or weight. Top models also have to be tall. Very tall. At minimum, most of these women and girls are 5'8" or 5'9". The message there is that to be beautiful and worthy of demonstrating fashionable clothing, you must be tall. Sure, there are petite models, but for those who are between petite and runway, there isn't much opportunity. Occasionally, a celebrity will be allowed to walk the runway, or perhaps someone with ties to famous kin like Lydia Hearst, will be able to make it as a model, but most often, women who are not tall never get an opportunity.
And for those who are not tall and who fit into sizes 4, 6, and 8? There is probably less of a chance for a model within these boundaries than for a tall, slim black woman.
If fashion is to open its doors to those of ethnic minorities, it should follow that up by opening the runways up to women of different sizes and heights. It just seems very wrong that someone would have absolutely no chance of a career in a certain industry if she weren't lucky enough to grow to above-average height.
I also think similar thoughts when I've watched episodes of America's Next Top Model. Tyra Banks goes on about showing every girl they can make it and such, but I always think, what about an average height woman like me? I don't want to be a model, but what if I did? The ANTM application says minimum 5'7". That doesn't sound like "all" girls can make it to me.