
The word is "addictive", people. A-d-d-i-c-t-i-v-e. Not "addicting". I admit to being more than a bit of a grammar nazi, but boy does this one bother me. And it's popping up everywhere now. I saw the use of "addicting" on a commercial for some ABC TV show. That's really why it's become so bothersome, along with the usage of "bias" instead of "biased", as in "That guy is so bias."

Now, I am fully aware that language is a constantly evolving thing, but there's a difference between evolution and things that would make anyone with respect for the English language cringe. Where did these people go to school? It's bad enough that phrases such as "his album drops on Tuesday" are making it into formal press wire releases such as the AP.

Just remember, folks, when something is so good it pulls you in, it's addictive. Addicting is not the word.