Recently, I was on a message board that I frequent, and someone asked about a few songs and whether we found them romantic, and what other suggestions we might have for such songs. I didn't contribute any new ones to the thread at the time, but the following day, I heard a song that I'd liked for years and whose lyrics I loved. The song was "Desnuda", by Ricardo Arjona.
No es ninguna aberración sexual
Pero me gusta verte andar en cueros
El compás de tus pechos aventureros
Victimas de la gravedad
Será porque no me gusta la tapicería
Que creo que tu desnudez
Es tu mejor lenceria
Por eso es que me gustas tal y como eres
Incluso ese par de libras de mas
Si te viese tu jefe desnuda y detras
No dudaria en promover tu cintura
Deja llenarme de tu desnudez
Para afrontar los dizfraces de afuera
De una mejor manera
Que no habra diseño que te quede mejor
Que el de tu piel ajustada a tu figura
Que no hay un ingenuo que vista una flor
Seria como taparle la hermosura
Que la naturaleza no se equivoca
Y si te hubiese querido con ropa
Con ropa hubieses nacido
Deja llenarme de tu desnudez
Para vestirme por dentro
Aunque sea un momento
Now the message here is clear – 'I love you, and you're so beautiful as you are that I love watching you naked as you were born. Even though I've noticed your little flaws, I don't care, and they only enhance your beauty to me'.
To me, these lyrics are incredibly romantic and beautiful, even though they're not describing typical romance or the general goings on of a relationship. Face it, there are many of those songs, with many more veering toward the saccharine than not. Granted, I love sweet and sometimes cheesy love songs too (Your Body is a Wonderland, anyone?), but there's something about songs whose writers and performers rise to a certain poetic level.
Here's the video:
Lyrics courtesy of Ricardo Arjona Online